SubAssistant offers email, text message (SMS), push/app, and desktop notifications. Each method alerts you to available jobs and allows you to accept the job quickly, but each method differs slightly in how you accept jobs.

Accepting a job from a push/app notification

  1. Tap the notification, the SubAssistant app will open to the Available Jobs screen with the new job(s) at the top
  2. Tap Accept under the desired job
  3. If you were successful in accepting the job, the Accept button will change to Accepted and you'll see a notice on-screen that confirms. You can also confirm the job appears in your SCHEDULED JOBS list.

Accepting a job from a text message

  1. Open the text message
  2. Tap the web link at the end of the message
  3. Your default web browser will open and display the result in a web page
    Note: You'll need to log in to your SubAssistant account the first time you try to accept a job from a new device. To prevent this extra step, go to and sign into your account on any new device where you want to accept jobs before you get that first notification. 

Accepting a job from an email

  1. Open the email
  2. Tap the Accept button below the desired job
  3. Your default web browser will open and display the result in a web page
    Note: You'll need to log in to your SubAssistant account the first time you try to accept a job from a new device. To prevent this extra step, go to and sign into your account on any new device where you want to accept jobs before you get that first notification.